This museum stone is based on the small paths you can see with the lights on, adding a touch of class and a hint of grandeur to the museum's surrounding area The creator has also made a museum banner pattern that is perfect for a mat, as seen here, a sign, or even a stall NEXT Animal Crossing New Horizons 10 Best Custom Paths (& Their Codes)Log Bridge – 98,000 Suspension Bridge – Stone Bridge – 168,000 Wooden Bridge – 168,000 Brick Bridge – 198,000 Iron Bridge – 228,000 Red Zen Bridge – 228,000 Zen Bridge – 228,000 That's all you need to know to complete a bridge in Animal Crossing New Horizons Building bridges is a good way to increase yourAnimal Crossing paths are one of the best ways to change the look of your island These custom playermade path patterns for Animal Crossing offer accents to the default pathways They're designed to go well with bridge and inclines offered by Tom Nook, too Be sure to check out our first Animal Crossing paths post for even more pathways...